When beginning any incantations or spell work remembering opening and closing of the energy portals. This is important foundation work for all levels of experience. I feel that even a master must always go back to the basics. Having a strong fundamental foundation that one can build upon helps our magical work be strong, clear and focused.
When doing a ceremony not just setting up an alter for an intention or deity, it’s important to approach it with more time and energy put into it. For this is a more sacred ritual.
Casting A Circle
Before I open myself up to magical work, I spend time reflecting in quiet that day or days leading up to ceremony, on what it is that I’m asking for and whom it is that I’m working with.
Going for walks and listening to the soft voices of my inner self and spirit as they gently whisper messages in my heart and ears. Watching the signs and synchronicity as each spirit helper sends symbols to communicate to us who they are, what messages or healings they have to give.
This really helps us connect fully mind, body and spirit and get the magical juices flowing building up to the day you set, ”the big alter “ up.
*(Don’t stress if the moon phase isn’t just perfect or you don’t have the exact offerings you want. That is not the point, in fact its opposite to the point of the free flowing energy you're creating around you.
*But do have a time where you can have a couple hours of quiet. You deserve to have some time to recharge yourself. That’s what makes us more pleasant to deal with later;)
*Give your home a smudge and cleanse your space
*Make yourself a cup of tea
*Light some candles
*Use cleansing salt and uplifting herbs in your bath.
*Essential oils -bath body or room spray. Citrus notes are very clearing and uplifting
*Add a couple crystals as well to your bathwater
Around your alter space that you will be working in you can lay down a salt circle around you or draw a circle in the air around you
*Step into the circle
*Thank the directions
Grandmother and Grandfather North, South, East, West
*Call on the elements of earth, air, water and fire. They are represented in the offerings as well on the alter. Each plant has an alley spirit and an element.
*Light your candles call on the god and goddesses, ancestors. You may have one or more in mind, or you may just be general. Spirit can easily translate what’s in your heart and your intentions whom you wish to connect with.
As you set your alter up, placing your offerings, take your time.
Listen to some uplifting music, sit in meditation and reflect on what it is that you’re asking for? What is the purpose behind each of the offerings. Feel the presence of the divine flowing through you, breath it in and allow yourself to be at peace in that moment. If you feel ancy and want to quit, push through it for another 5 min, let your spirit settle.
You may find holding a crystal or a piece of selenite to help calm your restlessness. I find it calming holding your thumb and middle finger together, hands on your lap as you sit and take slow deep breaths.
After you feel grounded and rejuvenated state your spell/prayer.
When you are finished its important to close any open doors to the other realms.
It's as simple as stating your intentions to close down the portals.
Thank the directions, spirit, deities, angels and thank yourself for being there. It’s not easy to show up and be present for ourselves sometimes.