I really enjoyed this interview and can relate on so many levels.
" I'm an animal with flaws" that really hit me as yesss! That's it . When we can accept our animal nature ( some mistake that as the ego ) there is something so freeing about that.
Doing the deep shadow work to really look inwards is hard and absolutely humbling work.
Looking at yourself in the mirror and being brutally honest . Not with self deprecation or self loathing. It's more of, ouch that hurts and I don't want the pain nor do I want to contribute to others suffering.
There is something so liberating about that .
When we can laugh at ourselves and just accept our humanity. Yes we are gods ( in the purest sense of that word ) of our own 'world', but we are not the God of others. I prefer to leave that immense responsibility to the Divine Creator.
I enjoy having a good laugh at myself , daily pretty much at the things I say or do . I eye ball roll myself:)
But isn't that the freedom of just being yourself , accepting the "good" with the "bad" sides ?
I find it so amazing that in this world, the most rebellious and terrifying thing you can do to the status quo , is to be authentic. 🙃 Earth shattering and ground breaking I know, right ?!
I feel those of us who are hypersensitive to others feelings get lost, like Mr. Green said, in the darkness.
That would be our yin ☯️ side of going inwards and when we are so far in that darkness that's when possibly we may become what is labeled , a narcissist.
I find it so interesting all the old stories , legends and parables in every culture all have a common thread of core themes.
Like the old story of narcissus
That's the human condition , we are constantly learning , relearning and unlearning about ourselves. Making the same "mistakes" and heroic recoveries over and over in the footsteps of the classic archetypes.
The healing journey and introspection I don't think ever really has an end to it.
I'm constantly peeling back the layers in my own journey to find more bits of my inner self that suprise me and learning to constantly refine . For my own sake, not really for anyone else as my primary motivates.
When we do the inner work our "light /love" just naturally shines outwards and is infectious ( in a positive way) on the collective energies . That becomes the byproduct.
Self actualization and awareness seem to be the key to becoming more balanced within oneself.
Then accepting that well , a snake is a snake , a tree is a tree , people will do what people will do, based on their own ability at the time to be empathetic and self aware.
That really frees up a lot of time and any energetic space that others may be occupying in your mind .
Then in turn allows you more time and energy to focus on your own goals, what truly brings you happiness and joy in your life.
By staying in our own lane and focusing on our own " bubble " of what you have any perceived control over, can lead to a more joyful and peaceful life .
Ironically those of us who have a heightened level of sensitivity to others, struggle just as hard to focus on our needs, as others who are totally self absorbed in their own pain .
It seems to take an equal amount of energy to break the patterns from both directions.
The difference is self healing will have a greater more positive impact on our own lives and in the world, than the opposite. By hyper focusing on what others are doing, we will continue loose our own identity even further and continue to spiral downwards.
At the end of the day we are given the gift of free will, unlike the animal kingdom and have the wonderful opportunity to choose our own adventures.