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Dark Occult Practices & Chakras

Updated: Jul 27

This is something that the average lay person that hasn't studied the occult probably wouldn't know.

Most people seem to be intimated or fearful due to a long history of negative programming in our society.

The ancient arts of using natural resources in ritual acts, prayers and mediation has been around as long as mankind has walked on this earth.

Rituals, songs and dances for rain , child birth , fertility, offerings of gratitude to the nature spirits for healthy harvest at cropping season , to finding fresh water for wells to be dug .

These are just a few examples of what I'm speaking of . They are for the benefit of the person, family and community.

That is a few examples of using this ancient knowledge of natural world magic in a balanced way, for the good of all .

This morning I was thinking about the rituals that are used in the dark occult arts. Trying to understand thier inverted strange way of thinking. It's kind of a mind bend for me, because I don't think that way . I figure if I struggle with understanding it than others would have no idea what they are seeing .

There can always be a dark and a light to everything. It's all about the intention behind what the rituals or actions that are being performed.

Then I happened to have a conversation with a gentleman at the campsite about this topic

Which got me thinking a little further in order to explain how it works in a simplified way .

I feel by now most people are aware something shady is going on in the music , entertainment, fashion and political areas of our world .

The world is aware now that there are really occult practices just few understand the inner workings of it .

This is a lifetime area of study, one of the many things that's fascinated me and I've dedicated more than my 10 000 hrs to learning. I still have alot more to learn as it's a very complex subject . That literally requires a PhD in the occult sciences to really understand.

The gentleman that I was speaking to today was trying to gain a better understanding how this works and asked me for an example.

One off the top of my head came to me was using trains .

I will share this example and as you ponder it, you may see many more layers than just the basic outline I'm giving you .

When we are dealing with the spiritual world we use metaphorical language. As the universe speaks in metaphors. It does not have a set language, it's literally a universal language of symbolism that our subconscious minds understand instinctively.

...I used an example of a train derailment..

Trains .. symbolize transportation, goods, essentials , one track , connections, unity ....

"In many cultures, trains symbolize movement, transition, and journey, both physically and metaphorically. The sound of a train can be interpreted as a sign of progress, change, or divine guidance. Additionally, some believe that hearing a train signifies the need to stay on track and follow one's path in life.".,follow%20one's%20path%20in%20life.

If there was a train derailment, that would represent destabilization, blocking of progress, essential supplies, goods and to stop change and divine guidance.

If it was to derail at a junction that would in my mind represent a crossroads.

So if we look at this from a broad view and narrow it down to personal . We can see how this can apply to our personal lives as well as our family, communities and countries.

Let's say humanity or your personal journey is at a crossroads of major life changes. A single track where that train is headed for a period of peace and prosperity.

If I was to examine this from the perspective of the dark ops I would use this as a spiritual ritual attack. Using the 3D world formula that applies to warfare( attack/control) - communication, transportation & resources.

The train derailment symbolizes destabilizing of resources, spiritual , physical and the mode of transportation ( vessel /vehicle ) by which it would be delivered.

Just like 2020 when the world was hit hard by another type of ritualistic attack.

To create mass fear and lock people down in their minds/homes . Pit them against each other and paralyze the masses with hatred, discord and fear, in order to stop the spiritual enlightenment.

That is destined and already happening.

The spiritual battle is ongoing but it is unseen by most people, yet felt by all.

How it destabilizes us from an energetic perspective would be to create imbalances/blockages within a person, city or countries energetic body.

When an energetic system has been destabilized it creates a weakend defense mechanism.

The electromagnetic field (aura) becomes damaged. That can lead to fractures, rips, tares or holes in the energetic body.

Those "woundings " are exactly like an open wound. Susceptible to viral or bacterial infection if not treated properly.

*Fear is the Trojan horse virus that is meant to infect the host.

Much like a computer our mind is an organic computer. Our electrical systems (nervous system) and the firewall protection is our auric field.

The dark occult practitioners use this knowledge in order to damage, then harness (harvest) the victims energies . This is how they gain power and control over a person, place or element .

When we look at the Chakra systems when doing our healing work will help us understand where we may be experiencing some blockages or needing healing done .

This is why good spiritual hygiene practices are so important. Grounding and mediation help keep us calm and centered . This strengthens our auric shield .

Eating healthy strengthens the physical body along with exercise.

( Did you know that refined sugar is responsible for contributing to cancer and most diseases -that's a real fact and thing ..research for yourself )

Having some is ok if you have a healthy energetic system you can handle it . But if you're out of balance it will significantly contribute to physical dis eases.

Spending time in nature grounds and purifies our energetic body .

We always just feel better when we are in nature . Breathing fresh air gets oxygen to our blood and brain. That helps us think clearer .

Another important factor is the EMP's (electromagnetic pulses ) that we are subjected to on a daily basis .

From our cell phones, computers, t.v.s, electronic gadgets, lights all distort our natural energetic system. Leaving us feeling drained, depressed and low energy.

Moderation and taking electronic detox times is super beneficial to resetting your system . Especially for children!

Until we have alternate energy sources, we have to try and create a balance and find creative alternative approaches.

Another way that our aura and energetic system gets diminished and leaves us vulnerable to spiritual attacks, is staying connected to toxic and draining relationships. By being around and staying connected to draining (energy vampires ) , unhappy and unhealthy people is very taxing and harmful to our over all health ( mind, body , spirit)

When not in balance it robs us of our inner peace . Then dark energy feeders drain us of our vitality and life force .

When we personally and collectively slowly but systematically eliminate toxic people, places and things in our life . We naturally will rebalance and find ourselves living in more harmony with ourselves, each other and with nature.

That's just a natural by product of not living in fear giving away our energy or autonomy to anything that doesn't serve our highest good .

When dark rituals are being used on one personally or the masses it puts us in a state of survival, dependency and fear .

When we take our power back and live our life authenticity, finding the joy , start truly caring about ourselves and each other's well being . Then we will truly find inner peace :) Personally & collectively.


This was a long blog, but it's a complex subject that is very difficult to deliver in a small dose .

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