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Dragonfly Rescue Mission & A Mysterious Island

Updated: Aug 29

I can't say there is ever really is a dull moment.  Ironically if an outsider was watching they would think maybe not alot  is going on in my world. Yet the action never stops it seems.

It does truly make me appreciate the peace & quiet  when I do get it. 

 A few days ago at the lake I decided I was going to take my kayak out and go explore a little bit .  There was this little  island that I had gone around the perimeter of when I first arrived.

 I found it very intriguing there was something about it that I just wanted to explore some more.   Today was the day I thought to myself. 

It has a beautiful little crescent shaped sandy beach area, where the the water has the most beautiful soft green tint to it. 

As I got to the shore I kept feeling a presence, an energy force something that I wasn't familiar with. 

It was foreign in a way to me, yet oddly familiar at the same time.  

It reminded me of when I was having my visions of going to the top of the old pyramid.  These massive beings that were beckoning me held some of the same powerful energetic signatures.

Also another time, on a different island, I saw these huge beings, one referred to herself as grandmother weaver.  She's shown herself to me in a few different forms now .I am starting to get used to their energy now.

 Very, very  different from my own and what I'm used to . It felt dense, powerful & extremely neutral, it's hard to explain . You have to just feel it words never truly describe the feelings .

I could feel this force field on the island, it was so thick almost like toffee.  Like you could  touch it and  feel there was weight and elasticity to it.  

 I  felt a deep sense of  respect for this energy that was unfamiliar to me. 

 So I proceeded with reverence and caution. As one always should when dealing with forces you don't know or fully understand . 

I asked permission before I got out of my kayak and  went to the shore. To see if I was granted access by the spirits. 

 Once  I felt I got the go ahead, I climbed out of my kayak and went to shore .  Did my gratitude and clearing prayers.  Then immediately  after I just felt like there was something waiting for me there that I needed to find. 

I looked around and there was a lot of thick shrubs and then a forest of tall cedar trees. 

 I really wanted to go explore it some more, but there  were no natural paths that led in and I just didn't feel like that was right at that moment. 

 There was something else I needed to either see or feel . I went down one little short path,  I couldn't help but notice that there was some rocks piled around a small tree. Human made, but  everything else was untouched and  overgrown.  It hadn't felt like there had been  human activity on there in a long time . 

There was an old fire pit but it had been filled up with debris and a couple pieces of grey weathered  driftwood sitting beside it . 

Everything felt very quiet, undisturbed, untouched for a long time. 

It reminded me of a time as a small child when myself, my mom and dad  would travel way up into  Northern BC to very remote places. 

It brought back a memory of when we had boated in to a very remote place up the Seven Nation River area I believe . 

We were staying on an island , which we had done many times, as my dad sold the farm and decided to take up prospecting at the time.

One particular place that has always stood out in my memory was an old trappers cabin , grey cloudy mornings and  listening to the loons calling on the sandy lake shoreline. Looking up at the trees to see the grizzly bear claw marks, marvelling how high up they were and I was surprised they could swim as well as they did. 

Standing on this island brought up an old almost forgotten childhood memory.  It was one of the few happy moments of my childhood I could  recall. 

I loved getting up in the early mornings listening to the loons calling and trying to mimic them back. 

 I was I think around 4 ish  years old .  

When we first landed on the island, I remember exploring a small old wooden trappers cabin . My mom was scared of the place because she felt spirits and wouldn't sleep in it, despite my protest to .  

That night as we slept in the tent that was our usual way , when we really got " lucky " we moved up to a small trailer . I remember a large bear outside poking at the tent that night , it was so close you could hear its deep breathing. Funny enough none of that stuff scared me. I was used to nature and understood how to read it. She was just curious and we had food inside , that was all.

Reflecting back on the old cabin ,my guess it would be probably 1800's ish - early 1900's at best. This was the late 70's and no one had been there in what looked like decades . Judging from the inch thick of dust on the old wooden table . 

It was just a simple set up, a table, an old coffee cup, a chair and a wood burning stove.  I loved the rustic simplicity of it all. 

 There was total stillness to the air, almost a hollow vacant emptiness to the place.  

 That energy was strange and fascinating to me, I just soaked it up. 

It was like time had stood still. 

 You could just  see where the trapper had sat there, had his last cup of coffee and left .  Then life came back when we arrived . 

This little island I was exploring had a very similar energy to it, where it felt like time had stood still . 

 I looked around, reflected, felt the energy and was curious what the story was.  

I felt like it was time to leave and as I turned around I looked over in the brush and I saw a large black feather. 

I eagerly reach down and plucked the feather from the shrubbery  and I thought, oooh is this another eagle feather? 

Then I felt the waxy texture and the shape was more spearheaded.  This would have had to have been a waterfowl feather.  Yet it wasn't a duck or a goose feather . I realized it was a loon feather!:)  

That was my version of striking gold lol.  I did a little happy dance, washed it off and straightened the feathers out.  Said my "thank you's"

to the island, mother gia and the spirits . 


Then I gingerly walked around the shoreline and was examining some of the brushes (sweet gail- love the smell ) and the aquatic plants.  There were some flowers and other aquatic species that you don't get to see very often because most of the shorelines have been disturbed . This place felt  very protected and sadly  those delicate plants are no longer growing in alot of places  anymore. 

This little twin headed flower reminded me of the Linnea flower . This one is Dortmann's Cardinalflower (Lobelia dortmanna L.)

 I did a little exploration and I was trying to be careful not to step on any of the plants or as little as I possibly could . 

It felt like an honor and privilege to be able to briefly explore this place, it was definitely a memorable experience. 

 I got back in my kayak and then decided to circle around the island .  I was was almost full circle back to my beach , when something in the water caught my eye.  

That's when I saw this poor little dragonfly. I thought he was a goner . He felt very lifeless when I got to him (her?) But I thought I would try and  rescue him anyways.  I scooped him up with my paddle and to my surprise he started moving around fairly quickly afterwards. 

 I was sending the breath of  life towards him  as soon as I did a warm breeze picked up . Then the little guy started flapping his wings and moving around . That's what gave me hope. 

I felt relieved, okay he's gonna make it !

 I sat with him  on my paddle watching as he cleaned himself off and drying off in a warm breeze . 

 I decided that I wanted to explore a little bit more so I put him on the bow.  He was going to be my new co-pilot until he was ready to fly.  

A few minutes late the weirdest thing happened. 

 I looked down into the water then suddenly my whole vision turned  shifted colors . It became black,  crimson and a strange  "dirty" burgundy tones. They weren't clear bright  colors like I'm used to seeing.  Then I saw the what looked like an entire  mountain range in those red tones. It was almost like looking through somebody else's eyes at that exact moment .  Like a sudden transference or flash  of someone or something else's vision .  

As I kept looking into the water to try and make out what I was seeing . All I could see was back water and a raging angry red mountain range.  It looked like it was on fire . I couldn't feel the emotions, I could just see them . 

 I had no idea where that was  coming from or who?  Then the vision faded and I turned around to take a look to see how my dragonfly buddy was doing . 

 Making sure our rescue mission was successful .At  the exact moment that I turned around, I caught in the corner of my eye him flying away. 

When I went back and looked at my photos, I had taken a video of the moment I turned around.  What was really interesting  in the video the colours went bright. That made me think of the symbolism of dragonflies and transcendence. 

 What a  gift  to be there at the moment of transcendence for this little creature. 

 When I looked across over to the adjacent shoreline I noticed a bunch of lilly pads I wanted to  check out .  

As I got closer there were dozens of dragonflies all dancing and swooping in the air all around my head.

 This is where my little buddy went and he was off with his own kind . 


They dive bombed my head as I just sat there in the lily pads playing , hanging out with the dragonflies . 

 To me that was such a magical and special moment to know that because I was there at that exact right moment, at that exact right time . Life got to carry on. 

 Later that evening I needed to do my ceremonial cleansing to get rid of some heavy energies that were around me. I walked on the shore and noticed  a dragonfly shell in the water .

That was only meters from the rescue mission spot . I wonder if he was just born and something went awry and that's why he wasn't able to fly out of the water . 

I did see a dead wasp in his place though, there was no helping him . But that's the natural cycle. When one dies, it makes room for new life to be born .

 The absolute marvel , delicate balance and inner workings of nature never cease to amaze me daily. I can never be bored in nature there is too much going on every second of the day and night.  

I stood at the shoreline and did my smudging,  super happy  to use my loon feather . 

After I was done, I stood in the water.  

 The moment I stood in the water It was Like Mother Nature put on a show  that was pure magic. 

The sun was  setting and it lit up the island in the most beautiful amber tones . Then a flock of morning  doves came out of the woods flew over the spot where the dragon flys were, towards the island . 

Two loons swooped in over my shoulder made a touch  down in the water near the doves, just as a beaver ascended into the water to make her nightly route. 

 It was truly the most Canadian epic moment ever!

You just can't make this shit up! 

That day represented the magic and absolute beauty of the natural world and the beautiful land I feel so blessed to walk on. 

That to me was such a precious gift and one that no picture or words could ever truly convey.


 A couple side notes: 

 I'm sharing what I did manage to capture  of that day. I also noticed that going through my pics one of them picked up a bit of that red I was mentioning . Seriously, what a cool day !

Oh and P.S. to the couple that beheaded the lilly pads . Wtf ... Why?? Well I understand the your on camera ;)

I will never truly  understand people's distorted thought process .

I heard a very wise woman say ..Paraphrasing

✨"It takes more energy to create,

Than destroy..."

Thanks for the hummingbird visitor, came right into the tent to say hello :) 


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