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Writer's picturelinnea pearson

Funny little story...super soldier rat ...

So a few days ago I was getting into my car, the dog was barking and jumping up on the hood . I thought, what now ?! This spring a grizzly bear clawed the hood , bees are just coming along for the ride , what other animal was it this time? I popped open the hood and locked eyes with this little guy. I swear if a rat could say , ohhhhhh shit !

This one did.

I  wasn't impressed with the dandelion offerings and didn't think that was a fair trade for my car .According to sources, I might have gone in guns blazing 😆 I got bitter sprays and threatened his head on a stake to serve as an example for all the other rats that wanted to invade my car .

Day 2 ... apparently he liked bitter sprays and kept leaving me more flowers. I tried to bargain and reason with him, I even drove to the river , offered him a nice new relocation place ....nope he wasn't budging .

Fine then I released the hounds and was hoping the dogs would scare him out . That didn't work either . He liked the car and making a lovely nest out of the insulation from the hood .

Day 3 ... I did some more research to figure out what rats hated.   Vinegar was a safe approach. Ok fine, I poured  vinegar in the engine area and put a jar inside. Still didn't budge . Uggg..At this point I think I was creating a super soldier rat !

So I decided to take cayenne pepper and throw it at the engine like it was holy water 😆 then walked away .

That night my friend sent me security cam footage of the rat outside the window of the room I was in !! I think we have a love /hate relationship now after all we have been through.

Day 4 he has vacated my vehicle and taken up new residency in the wood pile and I changed rooms!

I kind of now have a soft spot for the little guy. I'm just glad he's not in my engine and is in a better place. :)

And the plus side I went for a drive today and my car seems to have more power .. must be the vinegar and spice 😆 turbo boosted it .


Don't ask about the redneck set up with the tie down on the battery ok . I don't do blue jobs that's as far as I go ...

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