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Popular Cults

It's so interesting when you watch a 12 min presentation it's so easy to think, that's just crazy town!

How on earth did people cross the lines of reality and fall prey into the mindset of these insane cults?

Yet it happens to us every day . We partake in rituals in ways that we don't even realize .

Music concerts, tech gadgets, fashion brands, even some restaurants,(mostly fast food) to name a few popular daily consumption items , all have a cult formula to them .

I'm not saying it is all 'bad', but awareness of what your consuming and who's behind them might be worth considering. As you are going to be effected in ways that might be much more subtle to see right away, yet still very toxic to your over all health . (Mind , body, spirit)

Group thinking all sends energies into the collective quantum energy field. In turn feeding the entity / persons who benefit from the financial/ energetic profits .

I suppose my background with being raised in a dark religious cult and seeing the damage it has done to myself and family members. I might be more sensitive to catching on to their deceptions a bit faster.

That probably explains why I always had a natural aversion to mainstream trends, before understanding the spiritual/energetic side of what was really going on . Some of us have a built in radar for this and in turn are able to assist ones that aren't able to see through the illusions as easily.

The conditioning phases are very subtle and often easily overlooked by the person (victims) being targeted .

Death cults are the largest most influential ones on this planet to date. Do a little research:) It may be shocking and eye opening.

I can see the appeal and even glamour of some of the more sophisticated ones .

Darkness sprinkles glitter in your eyes so you can't see what's really lurking behind the masks. If you did see through the beautiful illusions right away, no one in their right mind would make the conscious choice to join.

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