Video link - had to listen to this a couple times to really absorb. It's nothing new, it's just resetting and reaffirming.
I really liked how this triad is explained. I haven't really been able to label the feeling and way I've found to be the most comfortable to my spirit . After watching this it totally hit the nail on the head for myself anyways.
I was looking for some inspiration to help stoke that inner fire to get back to feeling more my self again after a lot of life upheavals.
I have been feeling the need to get grounded even further and back on track connecting deeper with my self and my practices.
I had made a little joke about having a galaxy brain ( neurodivergent). When we get on a subject that interests us, there will be a super focus . That is a strength, but every strength has a shadow side.
When it's time to shift gears it can be extremely hard to break the neurological patterns. To form new pathways of the mind and change direction of focus .
I feel everyone experiences this just to various degrees depending on how you are hardwired . Or how long you have been thinking and doing things in a certain way.
Changing personal routines, emotional or thought patterns if we are wanting to make inner and outer changes is never an easy process.
Our mind becomes hardwired to a certain way of thinking & those brain waves form like circuit loops . That ultimately becomes our unconscious behaviour and actions.
If we are wanting to adjust in new ways to help us grow and develop, learning to move through the initial push back of our internal programming. Is probably the hardest part initially.
I have discovered that it takes a full moon cycle (21-28 days ) to start to make changes that will stick long term. Then 3 of continuous moon cycles and persistent conditioning with what thought / physical or emotion state you want to align with . (Daily affirmations,prayers ,mirror talk , morning car ride pep talks , talk about it to a friend ...are helpful tips for manifesting)
This is all the foundational work I've been finding myself naturally being drawn back to again.
Hope this might help some that might be feeling the need for a little shift, direction or confirmation.