I was sitting by the water this weekend showing my grandkids how to read the clouds and then this formation along with some other very interesting ones showed up.
The Deva realm always has little tricks up their sleeves lol I just love working with them even if they can play by their own rules and be little tricksters sometimes .
When you give little offerings and show them respect in your own way, they repay it in many surprising ways .
I've found when asking for guidance from the angelic, ascended master, ancestors or spiritual realms that
most of the time our answers come in more subtle ways . Much like whispers on a soft wind or little signs/synchroncities that we are being heard .
These signs/symbols/ metaphors /messages are shown to us to help guide us on our journey. They aren't to give us all the answers, but to help give us hope and inspiration to keep going inwards. Using our natural gifts & intuition to assist in strengthening our connection to the Divinity within our own being . Not to be looking to outside sources all the time for guidance.
As we have all the answers inside ourselves already that are just waiting to be unlocked as we go through each of the gateways of our conscious ascensions.
Then there are times where Spirit literally spells it out and send much larger signs for those who need a boost in faith and strength to keep pushing forward.
This weekend I felt many prayers for help, guidance and gratitude to the angeles, ancestors, the Divine & spirit helpers . It sent electric waves of chills through my being .
It's so powerful for a collective group of souls to be sending that beautiful heart felt energy out into the quantum fields .
Prayers of grief,sadness and soul searching are the loudest ones that catch the attention of high level powerful beings that get delivered straight to the Divine and Right hand helpers of the Divine Creator/Architect.
I wasn't planning on sharing this photo, but this morning I felt I needed to get to cell service and share for whomever needed to see this right now. Even if it's just for one or two souls that need to see it.
I don't feel we necessarily always need to reach or connect to lots of people to be effective in our work. As catalyst we can still create powerful changes with connecting to the ones ready and open to receive. That will create the perfect conditions for a butterfly effect, everything is allways in divine timing and a larger cosmic picture. 💫