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linnea pearson
Jan 05, 2025
In Down The Rabbit Hole
listen to part 1 before the new one .(2025) I haven't heard it as of when I'm posting this as I just came across the website again since first being introduced to it in 2022.
This has been popping into my mind again recently. I recieved an email from someone who I don't know very well .
She simply said she felt that this would resonate with me and wow did it ever !
I was blown away to find that some else out there had very similar visions as myself.
There have been so many visions and dreams that I have kept to myself .
For various reasons.
Partly trying to make sense of them myself and also because there is a fear of putting yourself out there when you do get these "crazy" visions .
The back lash of negativity as a sensitive can feel extremely physically, mentally and spiritually painful .
That I am no stranger to and haven't wanted to put myself in those situations purposely.
My vision started that's connected I feel to this ,was around 2004/5 .
I was pulled to go and stand in the middle of the yard.
It was a beautiful early summer day and I just stared at the clouds and stood on the grass looking up at the sky .
Something pulled me there and I was just feeling the energy.
Then it was like I was transported to another world and I was looking at this massive old fashioned looking theater stage .
I was dwarfed by it's immensity. I could heard all around me what sounded like an orchestra warming up . All the instruments playing separately doing warm up exercises.
I felt like , grab your popcorn the show is about to begin.
I looked up at this huge wooden stage and it had thick rich red velvet curtains with what looked like old fashioned tied backs hanging to the sides. (Later I made the connection it was symbolic of "the world stage ')
At that moment I heard / felt a collective of beings calling themselves the council of 9 .
They did not have a human energy to them . Yet they didn't feel not human either .
They shared some information with me about how the world was about to go through some very major shifts . Everything from extreme natural disasters , economics, and major shift in conciousness/ awareness ( Which has / is happening/ )
They just kept reminding me to observe , do not get attached to "the show" . Watch the events unfold like it's a play . ( Ok even knowing this , it can be easier said than done )
I felt like there was a circle all around me and then they mentioned the Council would be 12/13 then 23 . It was growing in numbers . ( I'm still not sure of what that all means )
Then in 2019 I had the same vision this time , the orchestra had stopped it was like the "audience"went quiet... Then I saw the giant curtains parting ... I heard the show is now beginning....
That lead Into a massive series of constant downloads and visions that is too much to share here at this time . But I knew something big was about to happen that would change the world forever....
After my encounter with this council of beings and the first vision, things started to get really strange for me on every level of my life .
My spiritual gifts litterally started to blast open . Which was quite scarry and a bit overwhelming.
There really wasn't much information on any of this either at that time .
I had always wressled with my acceptance of a spiritual path or the unseen realms .
Even though I have had so many unexplainable experiences since a small child.
It was almost too normal for me to think anything of it . Yet the paradox was noone else around me saw or felt the things I did .
So I hid it most of my life .
Add strict religious conditioning as a child to fear the spirit world and my own logical blockages . I was a tough sell :)
It seemed almost ridiculous that I had such an issue with believing . Also having to trust in my own intuition without any concrete evidence was and has been a huge personal struggle .
I have many stories of tests of faith from the spirit world where I have been incredibly stubborn in my wanting to dis prove it's existence.
My logical mind was ridgid and I didn't want to bend . Because that would shatter my entire reality.
I honestly felt like I received some very extreme lessons from the universe until I softened my thinking. And started to believe and trust my intuition.
The irony is when you accept this particular spiritual path and learning to trust yourself .
You are now presented with forces in the mundane world that will come up against you and try to tear down your entire life, destroy your self esteem and cut you off from your spiritual connections.
I am in a place now that I'm feeling 1. more people are ready, and able to hear/ understand the messages.
2. I'm learning to let go of my past conditioning and fears around sharing my experiences.
3. I am feeling like I'm able to articulate/ translate the visions a bit better , having some more wisdom and life experiences
I have been getting a call / push for a while from the universe to open up more . In order to be of service to others who may be/ have been experiencing the same things or having their own type of spiritual awakenings.
Doing this path alone is not easy, yet for some of us we need and require a solitary path .
That is not for everyone though. I feel that's why some of us went through the awakening journey alone at first to be able to help those that may be at different timelines of their journey's.
So that being said this memory brings me back full circle to the beginning of a series of huge life shifts /challenges and spiritual awakenings .
Having this pop up again and considering the world events that are happening, I feel it's time to share this along with some of my own personal visions as I continue. For those of us who have had more in depth awakening experiences this is an opportun.ity and time to be of assistance . As more people collectively awaken ,we can become lighthouses for others . ✨🙏
Link to audio transcript
linnea pearson
Dec 30, 2024
In Physical Health
So interesting much like LDN (low dose naltrexone) I had used for my pain it worked wonders! I was able to get off tramodal and other horrible pain medications that caused more issues than helped ,I felt anyways . .
There has been a huge variety of people use LDN from FM, autoimmune diseases, long covid to cancers . Just a jumping point to do your own research:)
Methleyne blue is another medicine that the patent ran out on, of course isn't shared or acknowledged because there is no big pharma profit.
Dr Berg's Video more information on it
Dr Bergs video link
linnea pearson
Dec 30, 2024
In Mental Health Matters
✨Very interesting interview and perspectives to understanding our own and others' behaviour. When looking for future friends, business or relationships .
There is a shadow side to all of us that can be used as fuel and channeled into something very positive and productive. Or left unchecked it becomes destructive.
For example . When I feel my darker /shadow nature rising I use art , music, walking, dance ,riding as outlets of channeling/ redirecting that energy . Instead of ignoring repressing or denying the shadow side , embracing it I personally found to be very emotionally freeing.
Also some very good information on methylene blue as a supplement.!
linnea pearson
Dec 25, 2024
In Canadian / International News
We are loosing our humanity this makes me sick to my stomach.💔 Dark evil souls....
linnea pearson
Dec 19, 2024
In Mental Health Matters
linnea pearson
Dec 18, 2024
In Canadian / International News
She has some good over all coverage . I like her ADHD style lol relatable
While people are watching the drones , I wanted to dig a little further the patterns are just so obvious at this point .
Smoke screen , confusion and diversion ...
The problem, reaction, solution
The dots really do connect... I've been watching the bird "flue " situation for a while ..why so many vaccines ordered recently , lab grown meat 🤮, this...nonsense and raising food ect ..prices is going to push people into unhealthy choices because of $$.. getting rid of farmers, people being able to be healthy and sufficient. We have to be the change and not wait for someone or some governing body to "save us. "
Awareness and saying no... there is more collective power to that , than we may realize 💕
....Control the food, transportation and communication....control the population
This video is just a slippery slope example of a precident that could have serious implications...
linnea pearson
Dec 18, 2024
In Canadian / International News
linnea pearson
Dec 12, 2024
In Physical Health
I think between the fake foods , emf frequencies , water contamination, lighting omg the list goes on ...there may be a reason to make the population sick .. considering who owns the pharmaceutical companies..follow the money .. . The sicker and weaker the people the more they won't resist.
I really can't stand led lights they give me headaches ,make me tired and irritated.
I've noticed some strange things with our foods lately ...
Eyes wide open..
What can we do ? Raise awareness...don't buy from stores or companies that are less than ethical . We may not be able to do it all the time but even shifting you buying habits by 10% can create a larger ripple effect for large corporations than we might realize .
Get heirloom non gmo seeds ( they may be a currency in the future at this rate )you can do simple indoor hydroponics and patio gardens.. there are many creative ways ..the information is out there you just have to do the work
linnea pearson
Dec 11, 2024
In Magical Arts
I find it fascinating learning the spiritual culture's and practice's from around the world .
Our western diluted granola verison of the mystical world has very little understanding /respect of the many levels of initiation and practices involved . Also the deep cultural and historical roots.
It's not all love and light ,there is a dark side that I feel if someone wants to "dabble" in the magical arts, knowing the shadow side is very important to your studies . If not even a bit more important than just the light side.
When I say dabbling that can refer to simply reading tarot cards , opening ourselves up to do energy work to more complicated ritualistic practices.
That being said the pure love energy and frequency is very powerful and can counteract even the darkest attack.
But if you don't feel that energy deep in your soul ,resonate and embody it ,along with alot of self discipline and spiritual strength. You may not fair well in an attack .
It's like going into a boxing match with someone who has been training for years, versus someone who took a couple community program lessons .
I have experienced spiritual assassins , many dark purposeful and some not as personally directed attacks . Those ones I was just caught in the line of fire by some unhealthy damaged souls .
Honesty my nievity definitely got my butt kicked at times , thankfully not killed .
It forced me to became a quick learner and a believer in the spiritual world really fast . I don't think I would have accepted it any other way though . Brutal lesson (not recommended :)but we choose our own karmic soul path lessons to learn ,grow and strengthen our spiritual gifts. I learned to accept that part of the journey as my training .
Yet ironically I still some days wrestle with my left logical empirical facts mind and my right intuitive spiritual mind. Despite witnessing & experiencing so much unexplainable paranormal phenomenons, the middle path default, always brings me back to open skepticism.
As much as it can seem alluring and even glamourous to dabble in the magical arts , it is important to maintain a cautionary curiosity.
Practice self care , disciplined personal (that fits for you-) mental /physical /spiritual practices and humility is the strongest foundation to build upon.
The spiritual realms do exist and have their own unique rules of the game, than we do in the fleshly form .
***This video documentary series has some very interesting glimpses through the viel of the dark magical worlds secrecy.
linnea pearson
Nov 22, 2024
In Mental Health Matters
This is something I have pondered about many times, how I react and to temper the emotions when being confronted by opposing views .
Where there are empirical facts that are argued only because of congnative dissonance.
What creates that mental blockage and a stubborn refusal to see a universal truth.
Pride , a need to prove that we are smarter, stronger than others mentally . Or is it something deeper ?
When I find myself wanting to kick into the fight mode to defend my stance whether it be an intuitive hunch or a cold hard fact that the other person is denying or debating the reality of .
To shatter another persons' "reality " is to destroy that persons' inner world .
Wisdom and building inner calm and inner peace over time has taught me that it's pointless, a waste of time and energy at the end of the day .
Why do we feel the need to seek constant approval and to be right ?
When in reality many truths can exist at once .
Personal truths, are subjective.
Universal laws and truths are objective undeniable and unchanging no matter what we feel or think .
It's not easy to put the ego / pride aside and this primal need to fill a void , or to be right, stronger or smarter as a driving survival instinct .
Instead start living from a place of loving acceptance of your own and others' truth is permissible and completely valid .
...Great little video with some food for thought 🤔
linnea pearson
Oct 31, 2024
In Spiritual Health
This year I was feeling totally disinterested in Halloween on a whole new level. I am not one to participate in traditional holidays and have never been interested in participating in dark Occult rituals glossed over as something wholesome like "family traditions" or "religious" holidays .
I've given in to participating in holiday pleasantries for social conformation reasons. Which part of me cringes at that because it goes against my very essence of staying true to my own internal compass. But sometimes it just feels tiring to explain why you're perceived as being a "party pooper " .
Christmas has been another holiday I've particularly despised. Having a family I felt a level of obligation to play along and participate in many of the traditional holiday seasonal practices.
Yet my family had to get a little lecture why I didn't agree and I would create my own spin on things in protest. To find a middle ground of compromise.
The part I guess I enjoyed about Halloween was the creative costumes , dressing up and the fun the kids would have . It also appealed to my fascination with the spiritual world.
Yet intuitively I always felt it wasn't right to go along with it . I started to do more research into the historical practices and origins. The more I uncovered the more horrified I was. I couldn't go along on an energetic level. It became a personal spiritual contradiction that over time my conscience wouldn't let me participate in.
I noticed people's moods would be like they were on a "sugar high" leading up to and during festivities. Then there was a huge depression and crash afterwards. I always feel extra exhausted, "off" or sick during the holiday seasons .
That alerted me , something isn't right energetically.
It's so interesting how we get tricked into ritualisticaly participating in these dark rituals . That serve no higher purpose or greater good. In fact they are depleting of our resources & health.
That should be the first tip off that something is off.
This is just for education and reflection purposes. It's not about stopping what you enjoy doing or feeling bad about participating in holiday festivities
You may also choose to change the energy around it by making it a time to honour the ancestors and use it in a positive way. That's would be a good way to transmute the lower energies :)
That is what I do around Halloween for example - I create a little alter, light candles, say my gratitude affirmations and give offerings for the ancestors at this time.
It's about understanding and educating yourself to make a more conscious choice. Rather than unknowingly being tricked into giving away our energy to darker ritualistic practices.
In order to create a spiritual protection around yourself and your loved ones . Also to maybe ramp up your spiritual hygiene practices at this time .
As these are times of year that darker spiritual energies are most active. That makes us more vulnerable to lower entities and energies that can have a negative effect on our health -mind, body & spirit .
linnea pearson
Oct 23, 2024
In Down The Rabbit Hole
What an interesting talk . This actually makes alot of sense to what I've experienced and seen .
Years ago there were very few people that I could discuss some of my past life memories, travelling to pocket universe's and accessing higher self awareness..
It amazes me how much has shifted in the collective awareness! I am working on learning to come out of the spiritual closet and that it's ok to talk about these things .
Always uncovering and learning so much about our world almost daily . It's incredible!
linnea pearson
Oct 16, 2024
In Down The Rabbit Hole
I remember hearing the first time about HAARP way back when I was a kid in the 80's . It's interesting how long this information has been around. Katrina honestly was when I felt that something wasn't truthful about the whole situation and started to wake up as a kid , that something isn't right in our world .
I find it rather surprising that it's taken so long to come to the surface on a more public scale . Regarding weather modification since the patents have been around since ,I believe the ones I saw were the 1800's.
I was thinking and also having a conversation with a friend about why does it matter to even be aware of this Information.
What good does it serve to be stressed out knowing everything from our history, food , educational system to weather has been manipulated and controlled ?
I suppose one answer is , it doesn't really matter .
If your going to get lost in the rabbit hole and allow the spirit of fear, doom and gloom of a select few controllers ruin your day. Then it's probably best to not know or be blissfully unaware .
Because on another hand all the noise and distractions and focusing on the negative things going on in our world collectively . We are just falling for the trap and adding to that dark cloud of energy.
So points for the dark controller team . Using our collective abilities to co create and manifest against us . ( Imagine if a large group of us flipped that script and the reverse happened :)
Yet another perspective could be that it's also a necessary part of the awakening process to have your mind blown a bit and shifting our thinking creates huge inner and outer changes .
So when our "reality" is shattered it is an essential part us changing our thought patterns and breaks the snapic loops . We break pattern and change our own internal algorithms.
That allows for us to now view our personal ,internal world and external world with a different perspective.
By shining a light of awareness and saying collectively, "we see you and know what your're doing .."
It also forces those who hold the power to have to make changes as well. There is a domino effect that takes place .
Some will collapse in on themselves, shrink back to the shadows . Any dark (less spirituality advanced ) or lower energy soul works from a very base programing . It's only goal and ability is to destroy, not to create.
Knowing that those who are using their life force to create and expand have the upper hand of natural laws on their side. ( This is why everyone says light always wins )
Yet the other possiblity is we have to be even more aware and strengthen ourselves ( mentally , emotionally, physically & spiritually)
Because a whole new game is about to commence.
Being aware and awake to the probable outcomes is definitely important. In order to prepare and protect yourself , family, community ...Not hyper fixating , that is counter productive.
To paraphrase Sun Tzu in the book, "The Art of War ". You have to know yourself inside and out all your strengths and weaknesses in order to defeat your opponent.
So from a higher perspective it is a really unique opportunity for us to sharpen our own skills, mentally and emotionally.
All this chaos that is going on we can choose to view it from a victims perspective.
By allowing ourselves to be consumed and paralyzed by the fear mongering. Or we can transcend past our own limited belief systems that we are powerless and are victims.
To a more empowered and peaceful warrior minded way of acting , thinking, being and awareness.
These dark times can be powerful catalysts and teachers for us on a personal level . Also growing maturing and self actualizing on a collective level.
The choice is always ours ... Each of our individual actions has more effect on the whole . More than we may even realize.
What world do you want to co create...?
linnea pearson
Oct 14, 2024
In Favorite Recipies
Primitive diet approved ! ( Sort of like Keto )
Tonight I just grabbed what was on hand and made things up as I went as I scoured the cupboard and fridge. I have to say, I impressed myself with this one :)
Baked whole butternut squash in oven for 45min @350c
Scooped out flesh put into blender
Added 1 cup of (lactose free for me ) cream
3/4 cup water
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/3 cup feta cheese
1/3 cup aged parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons fresh basil leaves
Sea salt 1/4 tsp
2 TPS garlic powder
2 tablespoon oil ( avocado/ olive )
2 Zucchini spiraled
1 cup chopped cauliflower put on tinfoil in BBQ with while cooking pork chops .
Tossed with olive oil, salt , garlic powder , dusted with parmesan cheese
Pork chops
3 tablespoons maple syrup
Chipotle peppers sauce 2 tablespoons chopped up peppers
Salt pepper to taste
Garlic powder sprinkled
BBQ 3 min each side
Put cauliflower tinfoil on BBQ .
Butternut squash sauce put into saucepan heated up . Added cooked cauliflower to sauce . ( On BBQ until al dente )
Squeezed out extra moisture from zucchini noodles with paper towel
Added to pan with sauce. Cooked medium heat for approx 15 min .
Plated garnished with shredded aged parmasean shredded and some chopped basil.
Enjoy 🤗🤍
linnea pearson
Oct 11, 2024
In Favorite Recipies
A light yet warming delicious fall soup 🍲 🤍
1/4 tsp thai chili sauce ( optional ) shown in picture is the brand I like . It also is a great base to pad thai .
• 2-3 tablespoons rice vinegar ( or when
soup is cooked squeeze some fresh lime 1-2 wedges to taste per bowl
• 1tsp-2 tsp of sesame oil
• 2-tsps - tablespoon of fish sauce (to taste some brands are more pungent than others )
• 2-3 tsp of sugar ( I used coconut sugar )
• 1/2 inch ginger bulb roughly chopped
• 2 stalks peeled lemongrass
• Chill peppers to heat preferences - 1/4 - 1 tsp
• 2 cups chicken stock - I used home made stock ( can switch the vegetarian if you)
• 2 cups coconut milk
• Veggies of choice : satay them for a couple minutes until they are soft and bright in colour but not soggy with a bit of salt, oil , garlic Powder or a clove of chopped garlic a bit of sesame oil and chopped thai or regular basil /cilantro
• Carrot
• Snow peas
• Bok Choy
• Prawns pre cooked
• Precook rice noodles ( they don't take long to cook ) rinse set aside
• Then add when serving warm soup
• Garnish with fresh Basil / cilantro
Enjoy 😊🍲
linnea pearson
Oct 03, 2024
In Canadian / International News
Wouldn't it be lovely if we had more people in our political arena publicly & proactively taking on the corruption of Alphabet agency's and deep state corruption .
Maybe there is ...just not publicly...I hope so I feel there is :)
Side note *
I do feel human nature in the 3rd density will always be very base in their survival tactics. That is what it is . Yet when we look at the future for a moment we are the ones bringing in the new energies of enlightenment. We are only gereration1.0. When I see the children that are now here and about to arrive . They are such advances souls.
This is why we are doing the work we are . To lay a solid foundation for them to build upon .
Mother earth is moving into a higher consciousness. That means you either move with her or many won't be here and have already left this dimensional reality.
This isn't instant change but it's happening quite fast ! In perspective to more traditional evolutionary patterns .
There is so much hope for the future . In the 4th or even 5th density conciousness of this earth there still will be opposing forces working in the shadows.
They will become even stronger, just less of them .
That is the balance of where we are headed .
But isn't that what keeps things interesting 😉
linnea pearson
Oct 01, 2024
In Mental Health Matters
linnea pearson
Sep 29, 2024
In Canadian / International News
23 & me closing ...and who's buying the DNA ? What will they do with it 🧐 this is just one company ..but millions have sold their DNA to these companies without, I feel anyways, fully understanding the larger scope of ramifications..
*This video gets into some very interesting points at the 8/9 min mark . Then things start to go into another topic. The whole thing was interesting.. need I say any more ......
linnea pearson
Sep 28, 2024
In Favorite Recipies
When making yam fries in the oven they usually end up soggy and a not at all fry like.
I found the trick is to use the convection setting if you have that on your oven .
Cook on a higher heat setting around 400f
For 20- 25 min . Then turn heat down 325f-350f and let them slow cool for another 15-20 min and allow the moisture to evaporate to get more of a crispier texture without deep frying.
• Toss in oil ( I used avocado oil)
• Cracked sea salt
• Generous amount of garlic powder
• Chili flakes to taste if you like spicier (.5 -1/2 tsp ) for every 3 cups of chopped yams
• Course chopped onion
• Whole garlic cloves
• Added some chopped up fresh basil
Mix together. Place on parchment paper only turn over once during baking .
Then off oven and let rest for 10 min oven after yam becomes golden brown .
Serve with a garlic mayonnaise or siracha mayonnaise sauce .
Better than any take out yam fries guaranteed!
linnea pearson
Sep 26, 2024
In Mental Health Matters
This got me thinking about the levels of pharmaceuticals that we are finding in fish and other animals due to a lot getting into our water sources. What effects would that have on us and our children long term . Also I am still a little suspect what is being sprayed on a regular basis. I've also noticed a pattern of behavioural
changes in people right after grid works of "vapor " trails .
After seeing that interview about the water g*n assault charges (Canadian news forum category ) It almost seemed ridiculous. If it didn't have such an emotional impact on the lady charged. As well as the whole neighborhood now disrupted.
I thought to myself, how on earth do people who have a similar functioning brain behave so wildly different .
I'm sure there are many reasons for that , but what I find disturbing is there are more and more cases of just absolute absurd behavioral changes . That seems to be happening at an alarming rate .
I have been looking at what could be the underlying causes from, mental (emotional), physical to spiritual effects .
I don't know there is one answer, it's most likely a combination of many things . Yet there is always an underlying formula for everything.
Adding generational patterns of conditioning how easily it would be for us to be nudged into forming prejudices and biases. interview: • Robert Sapolsky: Pales...
In this thought-provoking podcast excerpt, renowned neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky delves into the fascinating world of human behavior, focusing on the hormone oxytocin and its role in tribalism. Sapolsky explains how oxytocin, originally evolved for mother-infant bonding, has been repurposed throughout evolution to facilitate various forms of social connection - including, surprisingly, the bond between humans and dogs.
The discussion takes an intriguing turn as Sapolsky reveals the darker side of oxytocin: while it promotes prosocial behavior, it does so selectively, reinforcing tribal boundaries. Through examples of psychological experiments and neuroimaging studies, he illustrates how deeply ingrained our "us vs. them" mentality is, affecting even our unconscious neural responses to faces and pain of others.
Sapolsky's insights shed light on the biological roots of prejudice and discrimination, while also offering hope by demonstrating how malleable these tribal boundaries can be. This clip offers a unique perspective on the challenges we face in our increasingly diverse societies and the potential for overcoming our innate biases.SlkiW0sV4pnO2
linnea pearson
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