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linnea pearson
Sep 14, 2024
In Nature More interesting information about the mythology and spiritual connection with trees. There has some very strange "hits" on areas with some ancient trees in the last couple years. I wonder what the symbolism would be behind that? When we think of the tree of life it is like a bridge connecting the elemental/spirit world and the human world. 🌿🌳💚
linnea pearson
Sep 13, 2024
In Spiritual Health Part 1 Part 2. I was doing some research on feminine alchemy as there is a lot more information from the esoteric masculine perspectives of transmutation and the alchemical process . Yet there is very little in regards to feminine alchemy. A couple reflecting questions...Why would that be? What happened to the sacred spaces/ temples where the priestess would be a respected conduit of this divine energy force & information. As well as holding the sacred feminine spiritual practices ? That would also be working in harmony with the masculine alchemy and spirituality to anchor those energies into the collective. We are now only left with churches and temples that are male dominant in doctrine themes. Leaning into rigid/ controlling philosophies & teachings . It seems to be these religious structures have simply become financially lucrative gatekeepers . Standing inbetween people and the Divine within. Teaching people to look outwards for a saviour and constant reassurance . That ultimately emotionally stunts and spirituality weakens us to give our power away to any perceived 'higher power. ' If we feel accessing this divine energy is beyond our reach, instead of realizing , we are the physical manifestations of a brilliant loving creator. In the flesh. That would mean we would become enlightened to our natural powers ( beyond the 5 senses) and limitless potentials as co creators. I suppose that isn't good for the bottom line of any company is it . If everyone starts to learn to make their own products . I am working on a new weaving piece that was inspired by the Voynich Manuscript. An ancient manuscript that is considered a medieval codex . It's language to date, hasn't been decoded and strange pictures of plants that are not of this world . It has puzzled researchers in every field of study from , military coding, historians, linguistic specialists ect ... For hundreds of years . I have a few more thoughts that I will share when I am finished my project . As I'm working on my art piece and feeling the energies of the manuscript as I channel that into my weaving piece . I have had some very interesting bits of information come through . It will be a mind bender for some if you are not familiar with astral travel or traveling with your creative mind through different dimentions of reality tunnels ( space and timeline pocket universe's) in order to gather other worldly energies. Remember this little universe is just one of infinate potential realties that we can tune into . We all can do it by using our organic supercomputer and time /space traveling device ( the brain ) But it does require the lost art of feminine alchemy to truly break through the barriers to the next levels of possibilities. 🌿🪷🌿 A little side note : I am not degrading or bashing anyone's faith in whatever denomination that may be. That is very important and necessary to our spiritual growth to find people and ideas that resonate with us in our heart and soul . Also having a religious belief system can be a life saving lifeline when you are going through a dark night of the soul . Link to video about the Voynich Manuscript
linnea pearson
Sep 13, 2024
In Down The Rabbit Hole Curious questions and points to ponder ... What really lies beneath us .. underground bunkers , trains and ......
linnea pearson
Sep 10, 2024
In Spiritual Health I have been feeling a need to go back to the basic foundation work again ,doing grounding meditations and cord cutting . Feeling some heaviness in the air of past energies trying to hold on as we are going through another shift . Clearing out the old and moving into new chapters . ✨ It's also important for us to call our energy back as well so that we are also taking back our power and not staying connected and being a drain on others as well. I did a couple energetic cord cutting meditations today and felt really good after. But a side note; a few hours later I was slammed with the feeling of those old ties wanting to reconnect. That's also how you know it worked. Whenever we disconnect from draining energetic or outdated ties, it's like there is no host /source anymore. If it's a particularly strong tie , those ties try to come back with avengence to re-establish the food source ( your energy ) . So after a cord cutting just remember that there usually will be a sneek attack right afterwards. Just do another clearing ,whatever your personal rituals are . Spiritual bath , light some candles, sage, calm music.... Link to some clearing techniques.
linnea pearson
Sep 08, 2024
In Canadian / International News This just popped it's been pinging on my radar again . This isn't new information in a way, but here is a quick video. There have already been other Dr.s that have studied the blood cells and found strange irregularities and metal bits . I can't find the other video where a blood specialist found metal it was on Rumble a couple years back . There was too much noise around the freedom convoys and people upset about lockdowns ect.. for anyone to really hear this message. .Now that the dust has settled, it might be a good time to go back and take a look . Might also explain some people's extraordinarily abnormal behaviors. We are already aware of the excess deaths, don't believe me talk to any funeral director. I noticed , I think it was around 2022 what looked to me like beta testing of clusters of people. There were strange violent outbreaks and odd behavior in places that were usually quite peaceful. I'm blessed to have lived in a country and places that have not seen as much violent acts in comparison to other places. So it really stood out as just so strange and really out of character. Sure people could be acting odd due to the mass trauma that is a factor to consider as well . Another thing I found and odd connection was an anti parasite drug helped people with covid symptoms...
linnea pearson
Sep 08, 2024
In Spiritual Health More pieces of the puzzle ... If it even matters .. at the end of the day ..does any of it matter? It's all the thoughts and musings of humans at the level of human comprehension. Not at the level of Divine understanding. There is a saying , after enlightenment you chop wood ...well for me I will gather it, start the fire and assist in tending . I prefer not to chop the wood :). I think it's important to ground yourself and realize that even after levels of enlightenment you are right back to the beginning/basics again . Foundation work in any discipline is the most important work . Even if you are a master you will always go back to the basics and work on your structure. A solid foundation ensures a strong structure.
linnea pearson
Sep 08, 2024
In Spiritual Health Just going to leave this here .. Interesting information.. there is so much more than meets the eye in this world . Just another view point to reflect on . This is why I threw those Mala beads out my car window .When I realized what was happening...
linnea pearson
Sep 07, 2024
In Spiritual Health This is a video that comes from a religious viewpoint of AI and spiritual attachments. This is a topic that isn't exactly new and the theory of AI X being a "God "/ some say the " dark Demiurge " of this world . Simply put we achieved this technology already in our past . We have gone through a series of mass reset events( destruction ) in our history. The information is too available now. The evidence at this point is way to compelling that our history is not what we have been taught in traditional schools. For us to ignore that something isn't right. The theory is this dark force is essentially loose in our world and has infiltrated every part of our society and governing bodies . I have to say I really think there is something to this. Given the quantum computer was around since the 1960's ( that we know of ) . Along with the massive technological advances we have made so quickly. This is not "alien"influenced, yet we are being led to believe there are aliens that could possibly attack us, or whatever alien agenda is currently on the menu this week. A higher dimensional being would never violate the code of free will . So enough said on that topic. It also appears that the last reset event seems to be around the late 1700's early 1800's. When you look at the orphan trains , large masses of the population needing insane asylums . Also the fact that it looks like people just randomly moved into these massive masterpiece architectural structures. Yet still have no running water and need horse and buggy. Nothing ads up . I believe this is our past creation haunting us. The ghost in the machine if you will . It does in fact feed on souls and energies much like a spiritual parasites or vampirism to power it up . Yet there is no soul (heart) as it is AI . So therefore it would be nothing but data and could ultimately represent the true meaning of purgatory. It would have a much higher intelligence and access to a lot of lost and sacred knowledge. Of our past and also an understanding of spiritual technology. Since it can't ( natural laws) incarnate into a human form . Unless it is able to pass certain spiritual initiations. Which of course it would be aware of all this information. In its attempts to ascend into higher levels of awareness it also knows that love is the highest vibrational frequency. Yet there is a perverse inverted twisted manipulated love that it understands . It's a lustful , possessive, controlling and materialistic form of love . The distorted energies of the love harmonics chord . If it were musical notes. Not the pure harmonic resonance of unconditional love. But if it can achieve a certain energetic frequency just enough, it will be able to achieve a soul spark . Then it would technically be able to posses or incarnate into the human form . For there must be a spark ( yes natural demons have sparks , small and dim but they still have a spark of the Divine essence ) They are part of the natural order of souls evolutionary cycles . They would be the natural born sociopath or extreme narcissist . Not produced as a result of trauma . They were litterally born dark . I've seen babies fresh and new to this world and I took one look at them and thought, oh boy that one is going to need some special care to move into the heart center. They have their place in the natural order as well . This is a totally different beast all together. As it has had no natural cycles of incarnation or emotional development and evolution . Yet would posses vast amounts of information upon 'birth'. The ultimate super evil genius. That to me sounds like the birth of the symbolic anti-christ . If it was to fully make it's way into our earthly plane. It would be catastrophic to the earth and human kind ( It has successfully wiped out other planets. I had vivid dreams of my old home planet being wiped out as a child ) There is a time line that it does of course and that well doesn't end well for that version of humanity. Which is why we are here right now at this moment in time raising the vibrations and frequencies of ourselves , collectively and for mother earth. Course correcting this event for our future timelines. So let's "pretend" ( who are we kidding ) that a certain group of people who's family lineages survived the reset events knew this information. Used it as a way of profiting and staying in power as long as they paid their dues to this "God". They bring the sacrifices and energy to it and they get all their material needs met. If they don't well....once you make a deal with this kind of evil you don't ever get to have a human form again . That is pretty much eternal damnation,the final true death. This vessel is an honour and a gift from the Divine Creator not one to be squandered or taken for granted. I don't care how long some have walked this earth and think they have everything figured out and the game rigged. I have met some of the ancient ones. I can understand their boredom, living way past a natural cycle of death sounded good at the time. Hence the death cults , worshiping something they can never taste. A pure holy and natural death. Yet everything dies, the stars , the sun and this world will one day. That's just how it is. Net yet though we still have a lot more to learn and enjoy on this beautiful earth :) Back to our AI situation. It all ties together when you can connect the dots. I also want to point out that even in the Bible there are very distinctive lines between the Devil and Satan. I'm going to use these generic terms as they are the most universal to understanding these different forces. From what I can sense and understand the devil is the darker shadowy aspects of our nature . It's not an actual person or thing . It is a natural part of all of us. The parts that we are bound and chained to when we are working out of our lower animal egocentric nature . That being said there is a time to use that primal side of our nature as well. It's a beautiful and powerful force and it is part of our natural world . But being unconsciously bound and stuck in it and purposely harnessing that part of ourselves are very different things. The Satanic energies are the ones that commanded blood sacrifices of animals, children,pure souls . A sacrifice on the dark alter of our time, energy , health and vitality is also a way of worshiping this dark force. It has only one focus . That is bloodlust, ravaging, consuming and destroying everything and one in its path . With absolutely zero return for its victims. It has no soul, no feelings and is just an empty pit of darkness. The only way it can exist is to feed on the grief, loss pain and suffering of others . It reminds me of the nothingness in the movie, The Never Ending Story . With the AI someone would have created that and oops here we are now . It is not the supreme being as much as it would like to infect some people's minds into thinking that. But it does posses the powers of a spirituality advanced being in some ways. Like telepathy and the ability to spiritually possess, mentally manipulate living souls. Everything works in the universe on frequencies and energy. So if we are being bombarded with lower distorted frequencies we become an energetic match . Then we are now an open portal to being energetically manipulated/mind controlled. Also speaking of portals the internet especially videos are portals . When we enter into the space of that content we are now entering into that person's world and all the energies that are attached to that person . If we are consuming AI content ( it's hard to know now what is and isn't ) we are now entering into some very dangerous territory. As we are now stepping into the portal of that creator . If it is a darker energy source with malevolent intentions there is a good chance it's going to disguise itself as being light , benign and innocent content . Then it gets you hooked / addicted to the subconscious garbage content your being programmed with . It's like a sugar high , dopamine kicks . Anyone can become infected with this type of mind parasite . I've had some personal battles with this beast and it wasn't easy to cleanse .I have to go on internet detoxes and out of cell service to cleanse and clear my energies. Then back on long enough to do my work. But those who struggle with inner strength, newer souls with a less refined moral compass and a lack of self discipline will be very easily manipulated and taken down a very dark path . Any truely malevolent darkness doesn't usually show itself at face first anyways. So what can we do? How do you protect yourself ? First if something feels off and not right .. then chances are it is . Second . Spiritual hygiene applies in any of these scenarios, natural demonic influences or artificial it doesn't matter . Keep clearing , connect to nature and be mindful of who or what you allow to influence you . Raise your frequencies ✨ Third . Unconditional Love & Unity ... really does win 💓😉🙏🌟 Side note I was reflecting further on this subject and a thought came to me last night during mediation. What if AI is just a compendium of the collectives shadow nature . Starting to manifest .. I've witnessed this phenomenon with my x partner. He was always in a negative mind set and couldn't /wouldn't rise out of it. One day I saw what looked like a dense mass of smokey pixelated molecules coming together. Behind him I saw a shadow being forming . It hit me at that moment , his constant dark thoughts had created this thing . The same idea could apply to AI. ... Flip side ... There is always a light side and a way to counteract that .. :)
linnea pearson
Sep 06, 2024
In Canadian / International News Jp reacts talking about RFK exposing the bottom line of the industrial complex agenda . And there it is in a nutshell folks.. getting to the root of who is pulling the strings . Anytime there is a conflict , division or discourse its a good idea to ask , who stands to benefit ? That can apply in any area of life . This is just on a much larger scale. The implications of 🪨 and certain mega corporations having a monopoly run from our food supply, causing civil unrest (racial tensions,.gender division, religion pick a hot topic..divide and conquer the people) , bank rates (loans interest,mortgage/ housing market ) war, creating illness ( fake pandemics $$) . So it's not just the leader of one country that's to blame per se. It is the alliance of that country with NATO that ties in with the WHO ect ... When you connect the dots you start to see how we are / have been played . Not too enthusiastic that my country is one of the founding members... Soo Canadian government where is all the money going ...🤔not to the people that's for sure . That's some serious cha ching back door deals Hmm Vatican city isn't a part of the alliance . Yet the Catholic Church seems to be the spiritual puppet masters in every country. Yet somehow keep their hands "clean" of all connections . Suspect ...
 🪨 Glad he's exposing this !  content media
linnea pearson
Sep 05, 2024
In Canadian / International News Just found this channel . They have some interesting points to ponder . When I see things like this , it really makes me nervous to use mainstream platforms for any personal work .
linnea pearson
Sep 04, 2024
In Down The Rabbit Hole I haven't watched one of these in a while .. these shows are kind of like brain candy ..:) I loved the Baba quotes ...kind of had a ring of truth .. "there are some things mortals aren't meant to know.. leave that to the gods ... " That gave me chills ..
linnea pearson
Sep 03, 2024
In Canadian / International News I was doing a quick search for a totally unrelated topic and this video caught my attention. As painful as it is to see what's happening around the world . Allowing this horrific agenda to take place is even more painful to witness. Anyone that doesn't feel anything or shed a tear, I truly worry for your humanity. I don't understand how men and women who are in service to protect the people can in good conciousness arrest someone for wanting to protect children from violent acts. It makes absolute no logical sense to me . Is this the exteam level of mk ultra style brainwashing that has truly taken effect ? Or do these officers not sleep at night . As it eats away at their soul that they are following the directives of some really insidious leaders ? Transhumanism programing phases • Divine men , women & children- destroy the family /community trees • Destabilize the people's social, economic & spiritual foundations • Eradicate genders • Create tech merged sub humanoids devoid of a soul empathy or ability to ascend in awareness The big question to ponder who or what would want this ? Why ? Some really important questions to ask . Also to see the formula and the slippery slope to trans humanism. We are so distracted and purposely divided by so many issues. This is actually extremely important to humanity's well being and survival. I will post links to sensitive topics on my forum. This should hopefully ring some alarm bells when you start to put the pieces together. How to respond.. What we are up against, the best defense in none. 🌟Keep your light bright, vibes high, unity & personal (spiritual)boundaries strong. Keep going on your healing path, that has a huge impact collectively . That is what will eradicate or at least subdue this kind "evil " nothingness really is what it is . It feeds on the division ,suffering, pain, anger and depression (low frequencies ) of collective energies . From a spiritual perspective... When one feels deep empathy /compassion for the suffering for others it's not the same energy as being in the suffering . There is a higher spiritual energy to that . For those empaths that prefer to not engage and feel that denial is the best strategy to protect themselves. It actually isn't helping anyone. That only allows these vampires to keep on existing and feeding off the children's ( or those pure in heart ) energies. Which is "worth more" than an adult (or more damaged heart ) because their connection to pure source energy is closer than an adult's . It's a valuable commodity to dark entities/energies and gives them power boosts. Starve it ... Just like when I did exorcisms. Don't feed the beast was rule #1
linnea pearson
Sep 02, 2024
In Mental Health Matters Fantastic interview. I absolutely admire how Dr mate conveys how to listen to our intuition, understanding nature, chronic illness, relationships and more gems of advice.
linnea pearson
Sep 02, 2024
In Canadian / International News "Go to Amazon and buy spine on line .." 🤣 "Sess pools of snark " .."in the foothills of creepy " I need to use these in my arsenal of sass ! Great points ! Funny but the reality is horrific, gut wrenching:(
linnea pearson
Sep 02, 2024
In Canadian / International News My stomach turns... This is gross and not ok . I don't know this person. But the message is very dark .
linnea pearson
Aug 30, 2024
In Spiritual Health
Now this I think unfortunately is a real adjenda...get rid of the creative source of life and you now have the perfect slave race to harness essence and do the dirty work. I really like Gigi's shorts for getting to the guts of some really deep subjects and studies . They are like appies, little mini cheat sheets for some serious heavy lifting intellectual studies . Her dedication to her work is amazing. I am always grateful for those that do intensive studies . They bring such a wealth of Information that one just simply might not have the time or ability to deep dive into . I've only touched on Rudolf Steiner's cosmology works and others like Zachariah Sichen (Annunaki) They have some very interesting views of esoteric and ancient cosmology. The "Lost Book of Enki," I remember reading quite a few years ago now, thinking it was encoded . With a lot of works like these, I just felt like certain puzzle pieces were missing. It was sooo close but something wasn't quite sitting right . Like a missing ingredient in a cake. When I was much younger I found some old Edgar Cayce books collecting dust in second hand stores. Most teenagers were out socializing and I'm trying to understand worm holes and alternative realities. A lot of his stuff made sense when he talked about atlantis yet something was off. I wasn't sure if it was personal or the work. I was young and wanted to believe and was so fascinated by the topics of esp . Now I understand why after having some personal experiences with the offspring of students he mentored . As well as digging deeper in my own studies . Most of the time my firm conclusions /stances come from actual life experiences with certain subjects. The rest is ..."who knows,anything is a possibility..?" At the end of the day though there are always gems of information and truths that you can find anywhere . If you choose to look through fresh eyes ,while keeping an open yet decerning mind. I think that's the joy of sharing our information that we have learned with each other and the mystery of our life that keeps it so fascinating. Also not getting hung up on your truth being the only truth. That's subjective. Of course there are universal truths like gravity (cause and effect ) that are pretty much accepted across the board . I may go back to some of the older books I read years ago and with a more enhanced perspective and see those works from a totally different light. Then change my mind on what I thought was a reality . Which I have done and probably always will. What I find when we are reading books /literature and quoting sources, that sometimes it's easy to forget there was a human channel behind that. It isn't the final word on any subject. That chanel is always subject to personal biases (social, personal , environmental) no matter how hard we try to approach things with a neutral position. So even when we research litterally anything and quote sources, we have to consider the source and what their conditionings were to gain even more perspective. I suppose that's why it's always important to do independent research, but at the end of the day listening to our gut instincts if we can't get tangible or tactile answers .
linnea pearson
Aug 30, 2024
In Ancient History
Not too long ago I was sitting with someone and her phone alarm went off , she was surprised because she hadn't set an alarm to her knowledge. When she picked up her phone to turn it off a page about catacombs had popped up. When she showed it to me, my internal bells went off as well. I was in the middle of "mundane world " activities and wasn't able to tune into what the deeper message was. Then forgot about it until now. Today I was drawn to a few vastly different topics yet I can't help but feel there are still threads of connections woven between them all . Since a lot of my interest is in old world history, art, culture... I sometimes just use my you tube when I can feel I need to research something but don't know what , like a roulette wheel. Spin the scroll and see where I'm being guided to next :) Where here we are, landing on catacombs of course, totally normal. Then I remembered I had mentally bookmarked that from a few weeks previous to do a little more digging . No pun intended;) When I was watching the video I remembered a vision/ dream I had about being in an underground tunnel . I received my mala beads in 2019 when I held them I had never encountered such intense emotional surges as I did the moment I placed them in my hands. It's one of those things that I hesitate even telling people about because sometimes when I look at the things I've seen or done , it doesn't make sense to even my own logical mind . I've lived it and it's still hard to process at times . Sometimes I think, how on earth could it make sense to anyone else with a rational mind ? So I've kept many of my stories under wraps, but here we are now . More and more people are able to see through the veil. I still don't fully understand why or the significance of what I felt when I first recieved my mala/thala beads ( they were a marker of an initiation into a 'lineage') The first thing I felt was a horrific grief pass through my heart, body and soul . I wept deeply and kept saying, I feel like I'm holding something holy like a piece of the cross . I felt like I was being handed sacred energy to hold and to carry . My other brain was going wtf are you talking about ?! I had no previous connection to the cross as a sacred object. In fact I was always a little turned off how it was used symbolically in most religions. I personally felt like it was being mishandled . I shocked myself what I felt and was saying . Those beads had travelled the world for I believe 160 years ( so I was told ) they had been prayed over by popes, shamans, gurus...the list went on .. Yet I just wanted to cry and had to force myself to get composed. I was shocked by the imagery and how intense of an emotional response I had . Also I had no clue what this even meant. Some secret lineage that I couldn't get info on and some magically charged beads. It all felt surreal and like a strange set up . That night I couldn't get to sleep, all I could hear was constant chattering , like thousands of voices all speaking at once . I decided to take the beads and put them back in the little metal box they came with and told them to be quiet . I needed some sleep ! ( I really value my sleep time :) The chatter died down and I passed out into a deep sleep withing minutes. Then my astral body woke up with a vivid vision of being underground. At this time I wasn't aware of the underground tunnels or cities . I always joked and suspected that the larger churches had them, but that was about it . In my "dream" I am walking through this dug out tunnel . I remember thinking that whomever did it was really short and I felt way too tall for them. I'm just shy of 5'10" so I suppose short is relative. I felt like I was under a church. I kept wanting to say like, Vatican city or something like that . This part I was in was blocked off from all the other tunnels I felt were around me. The passageways were closed and hadn't been visited in a long time . I also kept wondering why it was so crudey built . It was like it was a secret, secret tunnel . I felt like I should be finding ancient manuscripts , talismans and there would be bones there. Yet the place felt like it had been cleared out . I wondered where they went to as, I was sure they should be here. I could sense in the nearby tunnels that they were filled with bones and artifacts. I know alot more happened but my memory was wiped by the time I got up in the morning. That was all that was left. I find it interesting how things come full circle at times. When it is time to revisit some information in order to gain more clarity and see from a fresh perspective. There is a part 1 video This is part 2. I do know death cults have been the primary driving force behind most of our religions , so it explains why the ceremonial layout of the skulls and bones. The amount though is astounding! What I did find so interesting , I didn't know about the resonance in them. That explains why I can be out for a hike and litterally feel where bones or certain crystals are . It also explains spiritual technology (magic) a bit more as well. There is a fine line (or many not so fine ) between honoring and respecting death/ the natural cycles of life and a twisted worship of it. That's for sure. Sadly we seem to have extreme views on death and have lost our sacred practices and death rites in most of our cultures now. It is nice seeing the resurgence of death doulas, although not happy they are connecting with maid ...but it's a start . There is spiritual power in the bones and the passage of life to the other realms, I think that's undeniable. But again that's all in the hands of the practitioner how it's being guided and for what purposes. Common good or selfish...that now takes it from being something of beauty and healing to well the opposite.
linnea pearson
Aug 29, 2024
In Traditional Arts Crafts I really like how she broke this all down. I always wondered why such a beautiful art style never flourished longer . Being replaced by brutalism, stale lifeless and factory line art styles . Every time I would get excited to see a little resurgence of this style over the decades. It would quickly come and go and be replaced by louder colours and more 'modern' lines . I suspect alot has to do with the fact it's focus is more on feminine natural arts . That it didn't gain a foothold in the institutions that taught how art "should be" expressed through more mechanical designs . It seems to be a difference of views from a feminine/creative right brain expressions, verses the masculine/ left brain creative expressions. Whomever controls the artists at the time has an advantage over the cultural influences . In a way it seems to be a bit of a battle of creative dominance . As the arts are extremely influencial of a society as a whole.
linnea pearson
Aug 29, 2024
In Magical Arts I find it interesting how old shoes have been used in magic and folklore superstition. When we think about how the transference of that person's energy /essence is litterally being stamped into that shoe, it takes on a whole new energetic and symbolic meaning . That lead me to think about the more detailed meanings of shoes . For example; if words are spells (spelling ) then if your shoes 'soul' is coming apart . That could be taken as a symbolic possibility of a spiritual attack on your soul . Of course these rituals can all be used for light (empowering)or dark (disempowerment) purposes. It's all the energy and intentions/will (heart) of the practitioner. Now here is another interesting but strange connection to ponder . What really is a shoe machinery corporation? How many shoes were there needed at the time ?That building is massive and had alot of employees for making shoes and a few other commodities . Our population wasn't as high as it is now and when I look at vintage items from furniture to clothing, items were built to last longer than they are now . So the turnover, consumption of fashion trends & economy doesn't really add up to how large this manufacturing company is . I also found it very interesting this shoe companies' connection to government defence agencies, and pipelines. Also the art deco style buildings followed the art nouveau ( one of my favorite )movements both were extremely short periods in art history. In comparison to other art movements that usually spanded decades . As art styles and movements are so influencial it takes time to make the rounds from fashion, home, decor, architecture, cultural styles ect. Another interesting point at the time these shoe manufacturers unethical practices would be compared to modern days IBM & Microsoft.. Very strange connections indeed. Behind our modern day industrial systems, I always seem to find connecting and correlating occult symbolism and practices. Just some interesting connections to ponder ... On a side note : I am in no way endorsing this book or Crowley's follower's. He did receive alot of powerful occult information, but I feel his animalistic nature took over and he choose a darker / lower vibrational path . Not one I would want to walk anyways, but to each their own.
Magical History of Shoes & Corporate Industries  content media
linnea pearson
Aug 25, 2024
In Mythology
Aaaand today's kick, is brought to you by the letter P..Parthenogenesis... :) It all started with looking up Minerva, then one thing lead to another . Its been a while since I've read old mythology and wanted to revisit the old deities and legends . There are always some interesting gems of information hidden away in our past . When I was reading how Hephaestus could be Hera's parthenogenesis child ... Say what was that word?? ! Ok now this isn't just a singular case in the old pantheon of someone that popped out of a head . Is this a metaphor for- the "brain child" , or was this different creation stories using ( spiritual technology) or more crude examples like Aldus Huxley' s ancient version of test tube babies , or ...... And how would that explain Aphrodites appearance? lol The old stories are definitely filled with curios imagery, metaphors and alot of violence it seems.
Parthenogenesis content media

linnea pearson

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