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How To Clear Low Energy From a Room, a House & Yourself

Updated: Jun 29

Here are a few tips .

Always do what works and feels right for you.

*Sweep the entrances to your home and do a light cleaning. It might seem obvious, but when you're home sparkles, your spirit feels uplifted as well.

I have always felt the state of our space reflects our emotional state as well.

Starting at the back of the house, light a Sage Stick and gently blow on it until a large amount of smoke billows up. Ive heard that some people say don't blow on the sage.

For me that didn't feel right , but personal discernment is important.

Use a shell or heat resistant container to catch any fallen embers. Add some sand or course salt to container to extinguish sage .

If you can’t use sage use a clearing spray or burn resins on charcoal.

Walk clockwise around your home, making sure to smudge all corners, including closets.

This is gathering the energy .counter clockwise is to release .

Use a feather to waft smoke all the way up to the ceilings and in corners / under beds closets ect. Open your windows, doors as much as possible. Allow the fresh wind to carry the old energies away

As you smudge each room, say a special cleansing prayer or intention, which will help amplify its cleansing powers.

When you're done fill your home or space with the intentions what you want to attract and bring in . This is where going counterclockwise opens up your space to receive fresh new uplifting energies.

It’s important to remember when we are clearing a space that when we are removing negative energy. We are subtracting taking away then we should add or replace that energy to fill that space up again with what we desire.

We we remove we are creating a vacuum and empty space.

So, if we don’t set the intentions and fill it up with what we want, it will fill back up with whatever comes around next.

It’s the natural order of cause and effect.

I usually go through my home saying a mantra /blessing prayer .

I feel as if the darker entities or energies follow me as I go through the process. I kind of visualize the the pied piper.

When done I step outside, then I visualize all the dark negative energies/ entities all pouring out of my space and leaving to be sent to the light or sent back to where they came from if they choose not to go to the light. I always give options to spirit to choose .

If you don’t have a front door you can do that with, a window, balcony any exit point of the space.

Then I take a moment after, inhale a few big breaths of air, feel grounded and centred then come back in the home and state my closing affirmations/ prayer.

  • Note you may have certain deities, angels, spirit guides, the ancestors or whomever that you like to work with, this is a good time to call them in for assistance. When done. Thank them and close with a prayer or affirmation. Find your own wording that feels right for you and the situation.

Affirmation /Prayer/Mantra example to use while clearing

“I call on great spirit /god/goddess/guides/angels /Divine /creator ( your choice of words, its what resonates in your heart)

of the light to come aid me in cleansing myself and space. I allow all energies that no longer serve me to be released into the divine light.

I remove all negative, stagnant energies or entities from this place.

These energies no longer have, nor hold power here.

Loving , harmonious and peaceful energy is welcome and invited in now.

Thank you Divine /spirit helpers for aiding me in this cleansing.

I bless myself mind body and spirit. (Heart/soul)

I fill this space with love, light, peace and happiness to all who live or enter.

So be it”

Other Ways To Help Raise The Vibrations

1. Live Plants

Plants are an awesome natural filter for negative energy. Make sure each space or room you spend time in has at least one. Opening the windows and allowing sunlight in is another natural cleanser.

2. Claim your Space

If your space feels full of someone else’s “stuff,” walk around and claim it as yours. “I take back this space.

I choose to make this a positive place for me now. When you infuse this positive energy, all the negative energy that’s hanging around will no longer be an energetic match

3. Salt

Simply sprinkle salt with baking soda (can add some essential oils) on the carpet. After about an hour, vacuum.

Salt crystals have an amazing natural built in-ability to absorb negative energy and odors :)

As an alternative, you can put bowls of salt in the corners of the room and remove after a few hours.

Instead of sprinkling yourself with salt, take a bath with some sea salt in it.

It’s grounding and clearing all at the same time.

4. Burn Sage/ Lavender / Home made herb bundles ( research toxicity of certain herbs smoke first !)

You can also sage yourself or someone else for a personal clearing. I like using a feather to move the smoke around . Feathers also remove negative ions from the atmosphere.

5. Room spray

Buying or making a room spray with pure essential oils helps clear negative energy.

Some of good ones to use for clearing are rose, lavender, frankincense, and patchouli .

*But always choose what feels right for you

One of my go to favourites is the original Florida water or make your own moon water crystal elixir. Put some in your mop or cleaning buckets.

*this works for people too. Gently mist yourself with the spray

6. High Frequency Music

Playing high vibration music can make a big difference. We already know what a difference music can make in our own energy, and it does the same for spaces. Using Solfeggio frequencies can help clear open and stimulate your chakra energy centres. Also being very mindful of the lyrics that are being programmed into our subconcious minds and how it makes us feel.

7. Black Tourmaline/Black Obsidian/ Shungite

These are some my favourite crystals for clearing negative energy. I have several of them around my house. This crystal does not need to be cleared as often as others do.

Any black stone works really as the colour black absorbs.

*this works for people too. I often put it in my pocket, purse or wear as jewelry. It’s great for sensitive people who seem to pick up on the energy around them and need some extra protection.

8. Add Fresh Flowers

Flowers uplift any room in the house because your showing love and care for home space by adding beauty .

Your home is a sacred space of love, peace and happiness.

Place it at the front door, on an altar/ a dedicated sacred space , or on your kitchen table when having company . This invites the Deva realm into your home. That brings laughter and joy.

9. Sound

A quiet environment is like a haunted house. It can quickly fill up with negative vibes, which is why sound can replace that energy with warm, feel-good vibes.

Stagnant energy often accumulates in corners, so we recommend that you go to each corner and clap your hands up and down or gently ring a bell.

Another popular tradition is the singing bowl, which creates gentle healing vibrations that can be felt on a physical and spiritual level.

Combining sounds with sage/incense smoke is a powerful combo for breaking up stuck energy.

10. Paulo Santo

Now that your space is clear, it’s time to fill it with beautiful positive energy, which is where the sacred Paulo Santo comes in. It's very Aromatic with a slightly sweet , yet earthy and calming smell.

It has been used for thousands of years, this ancient healing wood is known to bestow blessings of love and light.

Paulo Santo is also known as “holy wood” in spanish.

Unlike Sage, which burns very easily, you must continue to blow on the pieces of wood.

Light Paulo Santo and walk around your home clockwise to bless your space with positive energy.

11.Burn Frankincense and Copal

Adding Frankincense and Copal to Sage or Paulo Santo is a triple threat to distorted energies.

Place a charcoal disk in a fireproof container or incense burner.

Light the charcoal until you see it covered in flickering embers or it starts to spark.

Careful with it it likes to hiss sparks lol

Then, place a few pieces of resin on top of charcoal.

I walk around my space and use the same affirmation for clearing with sage as I do with the resins.

12. Use Candles/ Essential oils to Remove Negative Energy

Black candles have been used for centuries to remove negative vibes from a space.

White is uplifting and used for sending intentions and connecting to the ethers realms. V

Choose a coloured candle to represent the energy centers you choose to work with . ( Chakras )

You can make a clearing candle by adding a couple drops therapeutic oils on the top, so they burn off.

13. Have an essential oil diffuser in your home or wear a few drops on your wrist. Whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed by an abundance of negative energy use light citrusy or uplifting scents .

How to Cleanse Your House with Healing Crystals

Now that your space is thoroughly cleansed, it’s time for the fun part…healing crystals!

Healing crystals are excellent for the home and body. They have strong and steady energy flows with the healing vibrations of mother earth.

The hectic pace of our modern lives can easily throw us off balance and put us out of harmony with our natural world.

Selenite – The crystal version of Sage, Selenite healing wands help to clear and purify your space, especially when you place it on windowsills. It works by blocking bad vibes that can seep into your house through the doors and windows.

Healing crystals are always absorbing and transmuting negative energy, so it’s vital that you cleanse your crystals on a weekly basis or after using them for healing work.

Harder crystals can be washed in a saltwater bath, softer more porous can be laid on a bed of rice or on a piece of selenite

Program your crystals by washing/ cleaning them then Smudge the stones with sage smoke and say your intention for each crystal out loud. (Yes crystals can be programmed ...silicon valle

This practice will help to program your stones so that they’re amplifying positive vibes and working at their highest potential.

Grid with Protection Crystals

Black tourmaline and Shungite absorb and purify negative energy from both people and things. The best way to use black tourmaline is to place a piece in each corner of a room. Doing so builds a protective shield of to prevent negative energy from entering your space. It also absorbs electromagnetic energy, so keeping it near your Internet router, television, computer, and other devices protects you from their harmful energy.

Black tourmaline eases anxiety and depression, so holding it in your hands can pull the negative energy from your own body out.

If there is a particular part of your home or space that feels heavy despite trying these methods of cleansing, placing a chunk of black tourmaline in that area will absorb the negative energies into its black void.

Cleanse these protection crystals once a week to ensure they stay powerful by placing them in a bowl of saltwater washing them.

Make your rinse your crystals well after washing them in salt.

As it is very corrosive.

Putting them in the sun (yang)will charge your crystals and moonlight (yin) clears them.

I like to put them out for a couple days before on and after the full moon.

You can also immerse them in the smoke of burning sage / rice bowl for softer stones that may be damaged by salt water.

Alternative to constant saging for those areas that is hard to upkeep clearing.

Some rooms in the house need more cleansing than others, such as an office filled with electronics or a room where someone is healing from an illness.

For these instances using a glass or Mason jar especially in a room where there have been arguments.

This cleansing method is also an excellent alternative for those who don’t like smoky sage in the house.

Fill a Mason 1lt jar half full of spring /distilled if you can, water and add approx couple tbs of sea salt, which is excellent for absorbing toxins.

Add fresh sage or bay leaf and a piece of Black Tourmaline, which is a good for absorbing and neutralizing negativity.

Place this jar in four corners of the room, which creates a grid that seals off and protects the energy of the space.

For this method, it is essential that you empty the water within 24 hours, especially if someone is sick.

Replace it with a fresh mixture of water and salt.

Then, cleanse the Tourmaline stone with water or sage smoke and place back in the jar for another round of cleansing and purifying.

And of course, salt lamps are great in any room.

How to Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Body

When it comes to ridding the body of toxic energy, healthy eating is a good place to start but sometimes it takes more than organic salads and vitamins to tackle your inner demons. If you’re feeling particularly heavy in the energy department, try these cleansing techniques and free yourself of bad thoughts that are holding you back from your true potential.

Forest Bathing – If you're feeling heavy and down it’s time to get back to nature with forest bathing. Instead of walking the path in order to get from Point A to Point B, take your time to breathe in the incredible healing energy of the forest and its abundance of oxygen permeating the air. Bring along your some of your crystals

Conscious Breathing – If you feel stressed or anxious, deep breathing is a simple and easy way to restore your mind-body-spirit to a place of peace and tranquility. Inhale positivity and exhale negativity. It’s that easy! BLESS AND RELEASE!

Music When the right music hits you, you feel no pain. That’s the magic of music.

Even after cleansing rituals, bad thoughts can still persist, so put them to rest with a collection of your uplifting songs. Playing an instrument is also an excellent way to stay in the present moment because when you’re concentrating on notes and chords, you don’t have time for any negative thoughts to get in the way.

Dance in Your Living Room – Even if you have two left feet, play your favourite dance jams, turn up the volume, and dance like no one is watching:)

You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to shake off a case of the blues. Plus, it’s cheaper than therapy and a lot more fun!

Purifying Bath – Water is incredibly healing on its own, so when you add the powerful cleansing and rejuvenating powers of Sea salt, it makes your bath ever more restorative. Have a salt bath, add a few drops of your favourite essential oils, and healing crystals.

Stress Reducing Facial Grid We might not realize it, but many of us hold tension in our faces. Release everyday stress and calm the mind. For ex. Fluorite, Amethyst, and Celestite, a crystal powerhouse of peaceful energies that work to relax the mind-body-spirit.

Place the crystals on places where you feel tension, such as your forehead, and feel your face being renewed and rejuvenated.

Or using a crystal massage roller .

Sea Salt Cleanse – Because of its abilities to heal and detoxify, Himalayan sea salt has been used as a body cleanser for thousands of years. It also makes an excellent body scrub because of its exfoliating texture, especially medium-coarse grains. When gently rubbed on the skin, the healing properties of sea salt help to cleanse and moisturize your pores, leaving you with a gorgeous goddess glow.

Now that you know some of the basics of how to cleanse your house with sage, some healing herbs and crystals along with other sacred cleansing tools.

It’s time for all the dream crushers, soul sucker energy vampires, and your own inner critic to get the heck out of your life because your spiritual transformation journey is just getting started


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